Friday, November 6, 2015

ABC Challenge Week 1

Week 1 Update:

I guess it really has been a week hasn't it, and one that has sort of been all over the place. You know its a problem when you forget to wear jeans on casual Friday, because it is something that you look forward to every week.

I started this challenge out with Air Awakens by Elise Kova, there is a very specific reason why. I think she is one of the sweetest authors I have encounter on Twitter. I hear bloggers rant left and right about this book, so I thought this was a good bet. It was a fast read as well, finished it in almost one sitting, meaning I could have sat a read it probably in a good 2 hours of no distractions, doesn't really work that well though. My review will be separate, but I loved the book. The premise was a familar one, meaning I probably have picked up a another book along the same story lines. It did actually remind me a little of Robin McKinley's Blue Sword story.

Beauty and the Werewolf is book 6 in Mercedes Lackey's Five Hundred Kingdoms series. They describe these books as fractured fairy tales. The little review I wrote on Goodreads, just says I loved every one of the books that I have read in the series. Which I think is a feat to have read almost all of them because I am terrible about finishing things. I haven't picked up the one about the Snow Queen, which I might in a little while. That particular fairy tale isn't one of my favorites, so I am a little hesitant.

I have actually just started my C book. I am reading The Court of Thrones and Roses by Sarah J Maas. I am liking it thus far, which doesn't surprise me because I have liked everything I have read by this author. Sometime I am actually going to finish the Throne of Glass series, which I do own in its entirely. I did almost change this, I had in mind maybe I wanted to read something different then fantasy, but I stuck with my first choice because I really wanted to read it.

My reviews for each book will be separate, but this update actually motivates me to write them. Happy Reading and Writing out there.