Monday, August 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #1

Happy Top Ten Tuesday. This is my first top ten list, so enjoy.
August 5:

My Top Ten Retellings

One of my favorite kind of books is one that twists a fairy tale into something new. So I am doing this a little different in that I am going to mention the fairy tale then the book.


 This first book in the Lunar Chronicles was the reason why I love retellings, especially when they involve science fiction.

Beauty and the Beast

Robin McKinley (note this is just one of the retellings she writes for Beauty and the Beast)


I love

This one is good, but I think there is another one I am forgetting


  1. I've been hearing so much about Robin McKinley today... I need to check some of her books out! I loved Cinder. I really want to read splintered.

    My TTT (Fairy Tale Retellings)

  2. I need to finally read Robin McKinley! Heard a lot about her today! My TTT list
